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Detoxification is a cleansing, healing, and regenerative

Hi, I'm Anesa, a certified detox specialist & health coach who wants to make the world a better place by helping you heal!

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Improve Your Health with Body Detox

Detox With Anesa is a body detoxification coaching service founded by Anesa Kratovac, a detox specialist with over 7 years of experience. My protocols focus on using alkaline foods, herbs, and other natural modalities to help support the body's detoxification pathways. I believe that detoxification is a transformational experience that heals not only the physical body, but also the mental and emotional bodies. I've seen this happen time and again with clients, and my mission is to help support YOU on the unique journey of becoming the best version of yourself.


All my advice and protocols are customized to your unique case and needs! However, if you'd like to learn more about detox and start healing on your own, I've designed all my detox guides to help you do that safely and effectively. Check them out in my detox product shop!

The Healing Benefits of an Alkaline Diet
Healing Through Self-Care
Heal Your Body With Detox

Detox Consultation

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Anesa has been a strong guide for me on my journey through life. She is very knowledgeable about the human body and nutrition and has helped me to put all the pieces together when it comes to eating for my blood type, body type, and overall well-being. I am truly grateful and appreciative to her and always will be. ‘You can get the procedure needed, but in order to have lasting health, you must treat the whole body and make a lifestyle change for the situation to be resolved.’ Makes complete sense, and I will always remember these very wise words that she said to me.

Helena, Massage Therapist, Alaska

Citrus Fruits

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Tempe, Arizona

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